

Saturday 29 December 2012

Finding Jesus

Would it not be so very interesting to be able to listen in on this exchange between Jesus and the temple teachers. The scripture text on this Feast of the Holy Family, merely refers to listening and asking questions. It does tell us how amazed the teachers were with Jesus. However, the scriptures do give us more of the the exchange between Jesus and Mary and Joseph. It's Mary who speaks. "Child, why have you treated us like this?" How easily any mother or father can relate to this situation. A child, mere twelve years old, alone in a large city, this now being the third day. What fear must have gripped them as they searched frantically. Mary continues; "Your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety." This tender human moment gives us all a way of entering into the mystery of our faith at a starting point we understand. We identify with Mary and Joseph at this point for we too find it hard to understand these mysteries Jesus brings us into. Mary says, "your father and I ....", but Jesus' answer speaks of his Father's house. One easily can imagine the questioning look on their faces; the same puzzled brow we so often have as we listen to the voice of Jesus.
Here, Mary becomes for us an example to imitate. "His mother treasured all these things in her heart." It is in the heart where understanding is found, often in a way words are unable to explain.
Teach us dear Mary, how to surrender our hearts to the mystery that is our faith. With each new question that arises, show us how to "treasure in our hearts", the voices we hear coming to us from within, where the voice of the Lord is heard. 

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