

Thursday 9 May 2013

Baptism In The Holy Spirit - Ten

Novena To The Holy Spirit
Beginning Friday, May 10th. 2013

The text for the novena is posted on the page; Novena to the Holy Spirit. 

You may also wish to pray the Chaplet For The Grace Of Renewal, also found on the Pages, side bar.


Jesus my Lord, I confess to you and to all the world / my need for your presence in my life. / I am alone and in darkness without you. / I am influenced and controlled by the many forces that surround me. / Even though I struggle against them,/ it is sin that so easily dominates my life. / Who can save me but you alone, / my Lord and my God. / Deliver me from the Evil One. / Touch my life with that power which flows from your resurrection. / Cause your Holy Spirit to be born in me anew. / Prince of Peace and Lord of Glory / reign now in my heart. / Baptize me with your Holy Spirit and Fire. / Raise me up to a New Life in you. Fr. Curtin


Holy Mary Mother of God, on Pentecost Day / you gathered all the friends of Jesus / in that meeting room of prayer. / Jesus had instructed that all must come together in prayer, / to wait in trusting hope for the Promised One to come. / In the mystery of God’s grace, / let us gather with you now. / We desire with all our hearts, / that the Anointing of Pentecost may come upon us once again. / Pray for us dear Mary, that the Mighty Wind of God’s Breath / will come and fill our house of prayer. / Pray that Jesus your Son / will send down upon us now, those tongues of flame, / to enkindle in our hearts the fire of love and the light of faith . / Pray that our tongues be freed so that we might fill this house with the praises of God. / Pray O Queen of heaven, that the Holy Spirit will give to our hearts a song of joy and thanksgiving / for His mighty works now done in our midst. 

Come Holy Spirit, come. / Come down upon us now. / Melt our frozen hearts, reshape our distorted minds, / renew our sagging spirits with your Breath of Life. Fr. Curtin

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